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Responses generally occur within 24 hours
My name is Chris DeMarco, I'm a web developer based in Northeast Ohio. I am a results driven individual dedicated by providing solutions to technical needs. A website is anything but static. From simple to the most complex requirements, I am committed to providing top-notch support for your website to the best of my ability.
Quality assurance is defined as a process in which a product or service meets pre-defined standards according to documented specifications. In other words, a customer expects to get exactly what they paid for. CRD Web does not claim to be the "best", as that term is used far too often. CRD Web does not guarantee unrealistic expectations. What CRD Web DOES guarantee is a conscientious, realistic and humble approach to your next online project. CRD Web will never put anything on the web that fails its quality assurance standards as well as client standards.
WordPress is THE de facto CMS powering websites around the world. Its ease of use, extensibility and constant updates make it the choice platform for website development. As of 2024, there are over 800 million WordPress websites, which is over 43% of all websites on the internet. This means that about two out of every five websites are built on WordPress. CRD Web has built a plethora of custom WordPress themes and plugins for specific use cases. CRD Web also employes the use of child themes which extend the functionality of a given parent theme.
What is a headless website? A headless website is that which seperates the front end or public facing portion from that of the back end where website data is stored. It allows web developers to use any platform for data storage while also allowing the use of popular front end frameworks for the display of such data. As with anything, there are pros and cons to this approach. Among the pros are faster website experiences which even Google recognizes. Among the cons are a headless website requires more development work which increases the time spent on a website. While a headless approach is usually desirable, not all websites are justifiable for a headless implementation.
By definition, ADA compliance is a set of standards that ensure websites are accessible to people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that websites for businesses open to the public and state and local governments meet these standards. CRD Web is highly experienced in making websites ADA compliant. Though not always the case, it is not uncommon that a website be completely rebuilt with ADA compliance in mind. In such cases, a website typically has more errors and contrast errors to justify such work.
API scraping is the process of accessing a website's API endpoints to extract data directly from the API. APIs are custom services that allow client-side pages to communicate with a website's server. In layman's terms, this is a process of pulling data from one service and presenting it into another. CRD Web has worked with such services such as Single Platform, TMDB ( The Movie Database ) and various weather services. Although certain conditions apply, CRD Web can usually assist with API integrations.
Upon first contact with a potential client, an initial meeting will be scheduled over video conferencing. This is an essential step in order to gain an understanding of specific client needs and wants for their website project. At this stage, I do request full access to a website. Full access is defined by website login, (S)FTP and hosting credentials. It's important to gain a full understanding of how a website is developed and how it functions.
After the discovery process, CRD Web will research the feasibility of a given project. Given the technical aspects of a website, solutions will be provided. CRD Web will request an additional meeting to go over specifics with a client. In stressing transparent communication, it is possible that a project idea may not be realistic. However, this is rarely the case.
In this phase, CRD Web will provide potential solutions. Assuming such solutions are accepted, CRD Web will provide a written proposal. Such proposal will document client requests, a monetary quote and development time to complete the project.
This is where the fun begins! In keeping with best practices, project development begins in a staging website environment first. A staging website is essentially a private copy of a website at the time a staging website is created.
The review process is likely to occur in stages. This portion of the process ultimately depends on the scope of a given project. At CRD Web, I tend to complete work in stages. Afterwards, status updates are provided for review.
Upon approval of the work completed in a staging website environment, such work is then deployed to a live website. It is not uncommon for deployment to occur at early hours in the day.
Got a project in mind? Fill out this form to reach out.
Responses generally occur within 24 hours